Можно и по уровням

Ну, я начну:
AB Original:
Poached Eggs - 3,897,410 (189/189)
Mighty Hoax - 3,199,790 (117/126)
Danger Above - 4,350,750 (100/135)
The Big Setur - 3,537,990 (111/135)
Ham Em` High - 3,651,290 (80/144)
Mine and Dine - 4,761,730 (104/135)
Birdday Party - 1,336,550 (34/45)
AB Rio:
Smugglers`Den - 2,112,420 (70/90)
Jungle Escape - 2,227,590 (63/90)
Beach Volley - 2,876,750 (58/90)
Carnaval Upheaval - 2,532,140 (64/90)
Airfield Chase - 2,525,260 (54/90)
Smugglers`Plane - 2,618,080 (65/90)
Golden Beachball - 1,506,600 (30/45)
AB Seasons:
Trick or Treat - 3,685,070 (100/135)
Season`s Greedings - 1,802,370 (53/75)
Hogs and Kisses - 1,314,280 (45/45)
Go Green, Get Lucky - 1,283,350 (31/45)
Easter Eggs - 1,519,500 (45/45)
Summer Pignic - 3,286,030 (90/90)
Mooncake Festival - 2,606,920 (66/90)
Ham`O`Ween - 2,786,930 (90/90)
Wreck the Halls - 2,407,450 (75/75)
Year of the Dragon - 1,694,380 (45/45)